About me
Hey! Welcome to my brand new site!!! It's so brand new that there isn't much content yet... I'm working on it! :-D
Here is a video of the Omni-directional Vehicle (ODV) I worked with at the IIT Robotics Lab:
Hey! Welcome to my brand new site!!! It's so brand new that there isn't much content yet... I'm working on it! :-D
Here is a video of the Omni-directional Vehicle (ODV) I worked with at the IIT Robotics Lab:
Wow so many skills!!! ;-) ... Come back soon to find out where all of these skills came from...
Note: The scale used on these dials is a bit ambiguous and somewhat non-linear. Let's say something along the lines of:
100< Expert >95
94< Experienced >80
79< Proficient >60
59< Novice >45
44< Classwork / Getting Into It >0
I am the initial tech VP at Hummingbird Technologies Inc., where I have the responsibility of short and long term planning & management of technical aspects.
Visit Hummingbird2 Years 5 Months
-Lead a project to develop a hardware/software system for detection and mitigation of potentially hazardous conditions. Extensive use of methods in sensing, digital signal processing, statistical pattern recognition, and controls on high-bandwidth, multi-core, real-time embedded hardware
-Recognized with Inventor Award in 2012 for innovative designs and methods; multiple innovations chosen for patent submission including a novel method for early sensing of hazards
-Developed custom sensing solutions and methods of actuation by use of pneumatics, electro-mechanical, and electric drive components
2 Years 9 Months
-Control system development (software & hardware) for multiple degree of freedom autonomous vehicle
-Developed multi-body dynamic simulation in Adams MBD for design verification and optimization; Set up a co-simulation between Adams and MATLAB for simulated hardware in the loop testing of control software
-Developed and applied a spline based heuristic path-planning algorithm
Visit the IIT Robotics Lab3 Years
Publication: Design and Experimental Characterization of an Omnidirectional Unmanned Ground Vehicle for Unstructured Terrain (Robotica – Cambridge Journals)
4 Years
-BioLock project as part of my Mechanical Design course... Link
-Developed a path planning algorithm on Ubuntu with ROS and splines... Link
-"Planning for human implantation of a cortical visual prosthesis" as part of an IPRO project... Link
-"New product evaluation and improvement" as part of an IPRO project (Won first place at the 2011 IIT IPRO competition!) ... Link
Check out some interesting pictures I've taken and some of me! ... more to come...
Check out some of my past and current projects... soon!!
Would you like to get in touch with me? Feel free to shoot me a quick message and I'll get back to you ASAP!